Not your average dog hiking blog!

Adventures of an anxious millennial and her anxious dog 

Welcome to Anxious Adventurers where everything revolves around those pups who are often labeled as “difficult”–who have big feelings that they express in big ways–and their humans. 

Life with a dog “difficult” dog, one that struggles with anxiety, nervousness, reactivity or similar challenges, is not easy. And embarking on new and exciting adventures can seem daunting. Add an anxious, neurodivergent human to the mix and it feels positively impossible!  But we’re here to show you: every dog deserves to , and can be, an adventure dog (whatever that may look like for you)! 

2024 is the I decided to chase more adventures with my anxious and reactive dog than ever. As Ellie in Up! proclaims: adventure is out there! 

So come along on our journey through the mountains and valleys of Austria, and beyond! 

Additional little tidbits:

As guardian of a reactive and/or anxious dog it can be difficult to find adventuring locations. That’s why every Adventure Log includes important notes: how busy it was/how many potential triggers we encountered (dogs, people, bikes, wildlife) and how the trails are in terms of ability to avoid these. 

 For those of us who have the attention span of a goldfish there is a TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) at the end of each post if you find yourself rereading the same sentence for the seventh time (thanks, ADHD).

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